When you’re craving a bold, rich, luscious cup of coffee, you can’t go wrong with a classic stovetop brewer. It’s simple to use, inexpensive and creates a strong espresso-like coffee that will make you feel like you’re in Italy.

Brew Time: 2-3 minutes
Coffee: 15-17 grams (enough to fill the filter pot)
Water: Enough to fill the bottom chamber up to the valve
Grind: Fine Drip Grind/Granulated Sugar/Baratza #10-13

What you need:

  • Stovetop Brewer
  • Water Kettle
  • Filtered Water
  • Digital Scale 
  • Timer
  • Tumbler or Mug
  • Optional: Burr Grinder, Water Thermometer


  • Step 1: Fill the basket with coffee ground to a consistency slightly coarser than espresso grind (fine drip setting)
  • Step 2: Bring water to a boil in a separate kettle.
  • Step 3: Dispense freshly ground coffee into the basket and level off with your finger.
  • Step 4: Transfer boiling water into bottom chamber of pot; make sure not to fill above the steam valve.
  • Step 5: Insert basket and, using a towel, screw on top chamber, but don’t over-tighten.
  • Step 6: Turn heat onto medium-low and with the lid open, stand in suspense — don’t melt your handle!
  • Step 7: When you hear a “gurgling”, close the lid and place the pot on a cold, wet towel – this halts extraction and creates a sweeter brew.
  • Step 8: Pour all of the coffee out of the pot shortly after brewing. Drink and enjoy.

